--- Comment #17 from b. <> ---

>>> thats the simple thing that shouldn't be that way, a cell with a formula 
>>> should evaluate to the same value regardless where you move (not copy) it 
>>> into the sheet. <<<

it has taken some time to go to the construct and dependencies ... 

working with fresh - not *-old - version of the zip-file from comment #3, and
testing 'If you select another item in the drop down box, the value of I7 cell
will be the previous value of F8. To get correct answer you will have to select
item from drop down box twice, or reenter same value to the one of cells.' from
comment #4: 

boils down to: 

straightforward calculation of F7,F8, I7 and I8 is! possible if you respect the
following dependencies: 

F7 -> F8, F7 -> I7, F8 -> I8

(F7 itself may contain problems and circularity or whatever from performing the
macro, but once it's calculated the other three cells are simple) 

obviously that isn't performed by calc in versions to, and
F8, I7, I8 show err:523 without iteration, (slightly different between

with iteration enabled the err: messages disappear, but - looks like - I7 and
I8 are calculated in the first round, acc. to the value of F7 and F8 at that
time, and F7 and F8 undergo a second cycle setting them to new values what is
not applied for a recalculation of I7 and I8, 

simply the order for the calculation is wrongly set? if you move! (ctrl-x -
ctrl-v) I7:I8 to B7:B8 the correct calculation is performed! on the first
select in the dropdown box for material. 

thats the simple thing that shouldn't be that way, a cell with a formula should
evaluate to the same value regardless where you move (not copy) it into the
sheet. recalculation must first follow dependencies, then the order of cells on
the sheet. looks very similar
to this problem. 

until that's solved other more complex problems in this sheet couldn't be

(my assumption: calculation of F7 is 'set back' due to the neccessity to run
the macro, dependencie analysis is not! performed afterwards.) 

still buggy with: 

Version: (x64)
Build ID: 1b6477b31f0334bd8620a96f0aeeb449b587be9f
CPU threads: 8; OS: Windows 6.1 Service Pack 1 Build 7601; UI render: GL; VCL:
Locale: de-DE (de_DE); UI-Language: en-US
Calc: CL


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