--- Comment #12 from b. <> ---
as #130356 shows: as long as this problem is not solved there will be questions
ever and ever again. 

@Mike expects users to adapt to the limitations of spreadsheets. 

@'common user' expects spreadsheet to do correct calculations. 

(@common user is the majority ...)

i couldn't yet find out if IEEE 754-2008 decimals are already available 'in
hardware' or need a software emulation, but they should calculate correctly. 

so i would appreciate if someone would take care of making them available in
the program, or find another way to make the results more 'user friendly' - by
clever rounding?. 

Otherwise it could be that other efforts - to make a good figure compared to
ex$el and g$$gle and get users to switch - are neutralized because some - many?
- users prefer to work with programs that don't always force them to think
about the fact that a result looks wrong at first, and to do studies if this is
a problem of the program or the calculations created by the user in this or
that case. 

if 'decimals' can only be done with moderate performance, it could be that in
many financial-mathematical sheets this is only a minor problem, since today's
hardware is quite fast, and in financial sheets the calculations are
classically summing up a lot, but normally have none to few complex 'power
intensive' calculations. 

thus I suggest to turn this bug into an enhancement request with high priority. 


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