--- Comment #3 from Marco Ciampa <> ---
Perhaps I have an answer to the apparently strange and random behaviour I've
observed. If I have installed Microsoft Office but, for some reason, I haven't
used it _yet_ or not used yet with the user (I do not know which of the two
actions is acting here) that I use for both Microsoft and Libre Office install,
then the LibO installer/uninstaller do not see any MSO associations which are
present as system but currently not as the current user, -or- not present yet
and configured just by the first run of the current user (again I do not know
which action it follows here), and take precendence.

May be an explanation? If yes it could be without any real solution ... but we
can find out just a "best way to do it" inserted in the i.e. FAQ or INSTALL or
the manual or somewherelse that could be very useful for system administrators
like me or for an help for massive installs help for i.e. P.A.s ...
Something like:
1) Install MSO
2) _RUN_ it as administrator
3) _then_ install/unistall/upgrade LibO


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