--- Comment #32 from ---
My apologies for not making this a full report. This issue of limited precision
has bitten me repeatedly over the years. I frequently do technical drawings for
publication, and Draw could be a great tool for this. However, the
two-decimal-place resolution invariably becomes an exercise in frustration.

I do not know if this is the cause, but often when making complex drawings
where I repeatedly move, resize, or adjust things ends up with stuff getting a
tiny bit out of alignment, resulting in vertical or horizontal lines being just
a little bit off, and visible (I often do simplified electrical schematics).

Or, I will do dimensioned drawings for woodworking. If you use inches, you need
at least 3 decimal places, or you cannot represent odd increments of 1/8",
1/16", etc. This makes it unacceptable for woodworking, which is really a
fairly low precision application for which draw would otherwise be great.

While these can be done in a 2-D CAD tool, such a tool is both overkill (steep
learning curve, many unused features, cumbersome interface) and underkill (very
difficult to make freeform technical illustration, which is best when writing
technical articles or technical documentation). Draw could really serve this
space well.

I would really like to see the ability to have more precision in draw.

Thanks and regards,

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