--- Comment #7 from Joao S. O. Bueno <> ---
I think this is a long overdue feature. The non-existense of an "apply" button
in several dialogs including, but not limitted,IMHO  severely impacts
LibreOffice's usage. 

Think of it this way: without an apply button for things like char or paragraph
formatting, require that one 
-makes his changes in a dialog, which can e several,
- hit  OK
- check the results, often having to hit "undo" and "redo" to 
   see "before" and "after"
- If it is not ok, go all the ay to the same formatting dialog again
(which can be as far as 5-6 clicks away with menu navigation), 
- remembers the changes previously done
- tweak the parameters
- start over with "hit ok".

Applications often do feature a whole code path for a "preview" feature
just that the awkward process described above is not needed. See GIMP's
for example. 

GNOME itself thought of this "user right to immediately see the changes" so
important that at one point the "apply" button was removed, and any changes
in a formatting/options dialog is instantaneously reflected on the results.
This is just great - sometimes it gets in the way, so I don  think it as as
important as having an explicit apply button, but it is usually better than
having one.

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