--- Comment #156 from Cougar Brenneman <> ---
7.1.0. is actually quite good for what it does. I tried putting three headings
at different levels, and while there is no drag and drop capabilities, the
ability to use the arrows in the navigator to move different headers -- and
their children and grandchildren begins to demonstrate some of what I want. Let
me explain one use case that this build doesn't support at this time.

First, I can't move text using the navigator without moving the title which
contains it. When I'm preparing a document, I often brainstorm many different
paragraphs of text, and then in Word's Outliner, I drag them and drop them in
different headings. Your text lines are absolutely married to the headings that
they are under. Thus, the only way I could move individual text paragraphs is
to give each one a heading, move them into their proper categories, and then
delete the headings — which were only there to facilitate the use of the
buttons in the navigator to move them into their proper locations.

For me as a writer, this is not flexible enough and it is quite inconvenient.
It should be possible to move individual paragraphs without giving them a
title, first.

Second, in an earlier post by one of the developers here (maybe two months
ago?), there was a discussion of putting little bullets or icons in front of
paragraphs when you click them, and I believe that it was possible to use those
icons to drag the paragraphs separately. If someone developed this capability,
it should be merged into the trunk for a future build. If you can do that, then
you'll have a lot more of what I need.

Sorry, I'm a COVID survivor and while I was sick, it compromised my memory. I'm
not sure exactly when I read that in this discussion. My mental abilities seem
to be back, but not my physical capabilities. I'm still feeble.

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