--- Comment #28 from ---
I've analysed what is going on in more detail. Here are some simple steps to
take to show what a mess we have here:
1    Create 4 lines of data and 4 new styles with different background colours
2    save as .ods                    
3    close                    
4    open
5    create conditional formatting separately on A1 and B1 with formulas like
left(b1)=”s” - four conditions
6    Save, close                    
7    open - The 4 new styles remain – everything is still working ok
8    save as .xlsx (XML 2007) - The 4 new styles remain – formulas remain
9    close                    
10    open New styles have gone. There are 8 generated ones. Conditional
formatting is garbage

11    replace step 8 by save as .xlsx (XML 2003) Gives error message that
conditional formatting can’t be saved

12    replace step 8 by save as .xlsx (LO XML) The 4 new dtyles remain –
formulas remain correct
13    close                    
14    open New styles have gone. There are 8 generated ones. Conditional
formatting is garbage – all formulas refer to B1

15    replace step 8 by save as .xls (97/2000/XP/2003/) The 4 new styles remain
– formulas remain correct
16    close This shouldn’t work. .xls does not support more than 3 conditions
per cell
17    open New styles remain. There are 32 generated styles (4 tests x 8
cells). Conditional formatting retained, using the new styles

NB If you create conditional formatting on A1:B1 using formulas like
LEFT($B1)=”s”  the result of copy and special paste of formats gives garbage
values for the tests

Will add the .ods spreadsheet so above can be tested

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