--- Comment #3 from Tor Lillqvist <> ---
That is not a new problem, it has always happened that occasionally some of the
files remembered in the Start Centre won't open if you click on them. It has to
do with how LibreOffice stores the rights to access them between sessions as
so-called security scope bookmarks. This is the first time a bug has been
reported for it, though.

In detail: A sandboxed process does not have access to the user's files or
directoress even if it would know the pathnames. Normally the only way for a
sandboxed process to get access to a file that is not in its own app bundle or
in some specific open locations like the temp directory is when the user
chooses it in the file chooser, which runs as a separate process outside the
sandbox. (This is all handled though the system APIs.)

To be able to access the same file again later, another time the same program
runs, the process creates a security scoped bookmark for the file and stores
that in its settings ("defaults"). When the same program then later wants to
access the same file it uses that security scoped bookmark. Occasionally this
for some reason fails.

Can you come up with a way reproduce the problem repeatedly? Open an existing
file in LibreOffice Vanilla, quit LibreOffice Vanilla, start it again, and then
try to open the file from the Start Centre and it fails? That would be very
useful. If not, it is very hard to debug the problem.

Did you do something special on your machine when this started to happen, like
clean out your "defaults" for the domain com.collabora.libreoffice-free? (I
don't mean LibreOffice's so-called "profile".) Check with the command:

defaults read com.collabora.libreoffice-free | less

You should see a list of things like:

"bookmarkFor:file:///Users/tml/Documents/AAAHelloThere.rtf" = {length = 764,
bytes = 0x626f6f6b fc020000 00000410 30000000 ... e0010000 00
000000 };

which is the security scoped bookmark for a file that is remembered and can be
opened without going through the file chooser.

If there is no such an entry for a file that still is listed in the Start
Centre, LibreOffice Vanilla won't be able to open it.

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