--- Comment #8 from Telesto <> ---
(In reply to Jim Raykowski from comment #6)
> Hi All, 
> This also happens with using odt format.
> Here is a patch that gives names to ungrouped shapes if they don't already
> have:

That's quick! Many thanks! These kind of bug qualify under my 'get rid of'
annoying bug which makes LibreOffice look bad program. 

Still trying to convince people to care more about this type of bugs/ usability
glitches [and trim down on refactoring a bit). From developer perspective I get
the whole refactoring, but user have a different perspective/ needs. It's all
about finding proper balance. And I perceive it to be skewed towards Developers
perspective.. This might what you get being open source. But surely an Achilles
heel, IMHO

[Only sharing - unasked - my thoughts/ opinion :P. Not really your concern]

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