--- Comment #18 from Tomasz Sztejka <> ---
> But would you like to implement what you rightfully mention as missing? 

No. Sorry.

How could I do it if I do not know how it was DESIGNED to work? The only thing
I could do it would be to describe how it WORKS with all BUGS and

It would just cause more mess and would cast in stone some possibly buggy
behavior. As a result I would put developers in a pinch - whenever they would
find a bug I did cast in stone and try to fix it they would be against
published , well known end user specification.

This is like Microsoft API. Whenever API is not specific enough coders do "try
it out". Since Microsoft is slow on responding and fixing, so this "tried out"
becomes after a year or ten "de-facto standard". And then when they finally fix
it to works as it was DESIGNED but never DESCRIBED to users thousands of
applications do break. Remember Sinclair? They almost went bankrupt because of
a bug fix in Spectrum+ since it broke "de-facto standard" they unintentionally

This is also true for any other end user documentation. It must be consistent
with DESIGN even if implementation is buggy. Otherwise fixing implementation
will be confusing and annoy users.

Hmmm.... it was designed, wasn't it? Somebody wrote it down, right? At least in
source code comments? If I would have access to such specs I might try to do
put it in help. At least in Polish, because my English is... well... You read
it right?

I hope it's true otherwise I see a dark future for the LibreOffice.

Sorry for a delayed reaction, I have tons of work on my head and almost zero
spare time.

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