--- Comment #35 from Mike Kaganski <> ---
(In reply to b. from comment #32)
> so please think 'how would I feel if I made a small mistake and publicly be
> reprimanded ... 'in future before deletions   

Please do not do that, ever. Bug tracker is a tool. It is used for a specific
job. Anything anyone writes to the tracker *should* be targeted to a single
goal: discover, and then fix, a problem. And not to give anyone some warm
feeling like "see how cool I am, made a contribution to this project!". If
whoever is *offended* by others doing the *right* job - making the bug as
useful as possible, including hiding unrelated stuff - they have *wrong*
attitude, and *wrong* expectations. Marking a comment like that is not intended
to "offend", but to improve the ticket; taking that personally, as "being
reprimanded", is just wrong. As well as it's always OK to publicly discuss and
disagree with *ideas*; but any attempt to make the disagreement with other's
ideas to look as a bad attitude to the opponent *personality* is *wrong*.

(BTW, I'm sure that jasonkres has correct expectations and attitude; the
comment that I answer to is created by another person, who actually does a lot
to make many reports as *useless* as possible.)

Another example: when a user e.g. files a bug, and gets *offended* when the bug
is closed as NOTABUG, the user is *wrong*. When that user instead tries to find
a confusion that could happen (when they believe there was such a confusion),
maybe because of poor wording of original description, and politely tries to
rectify the situation, they do the correct thing.

So - while of course here was a *questionable* decision marking a comment as
"no-value", I ask people to *not* try to take others' *feelings* into account
when doing such things, only the *correctness* of the action (which IMO was
incorrect in case of comment 29, and that doesn't mean there is a need to
"punish" anyone - just use clean argumentation to clarify why did it actually
bear a potential value in this specific case).

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