--- Comment #10 from V Stuart Foote <> ---
@Heiko, *

Let's take a look at current releases of some of the other FOSS projects for


except for Scribus they all have multiple project provided UI themeing that can
bypass os/DE system theme. They all offer both light and dark modes. 

GIMP offers three UI modes ('Dark', 'Gray', 'Light') in addtion to os/DE theme
controlled 'System'. Coupled with six icon theme modes--'Color', 'Legacy' (to
GIMP), 'Symbolic', 'Symbolic-Inverted' (and High-Contrast flavors for both
Symbolic sets). 

Inkscape has a very effective toggle 'Use dark theme' that when combined with
'Use symbolic icons' (the same as our Sifr icon theme) does an excelent job in
composing functional UI.

Kirta has eight: three Breeze inspired themes ('Breeze Dark', 'Breeze High
Contrast', 'Breeze Light'') and five project managed Krita UI themes
('blender', 'bright', 'dark', 'darker', 'neutral').

While Scribus between its Preferences -> User Interface and its Preferences ->
Display -> Colors allows individual component controls in addition to os/DE
theming notably its 'Page Fill' and 'Scratch Space' is as equally limited as
LibreOffice before we added the 'LibreOffice Dark' application color theme.

No reason we can't devise themes suitable for multiple os/DE--to optionally
bypass os/DE themeing.  But what is holding LO back continues to be that not
all components of the UI are exposed for control in the Application Colors
panel and its .xcu configurations.  Both facets--toggle to bypass os/DE
"system" theme, completing a framework for UI application colors--will need dev

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