--- Comment #15 from Valek Filippov <> ---
Created attachment 172602
Minified EMF sample

This WMF file has a bunch of Escape records with EPS data in them.
Fortunately this can be safely ignored.

However, because it's a logo, for its letters instead of setting font and
render the text, it draws the letters with polygons.
And for whatever reason* every letter that has more than one path (i.e. either
has more that one element, like "i" or has a closed shape, like "O") instead of
using polygon TWO bitmaps are used.

There is a SetStrechBltMode in front of each bitmap. For the first bitmap it
sets the mode to 1 (black on white) and  for the second to 2 (white on black).
First bitmap uses 0x8800c6 ROP2 and the second one uses 0xee0086.

It looks like renderer for slide-show mode does not implement ROPs properly.

IMHO this is not a WMF import problem. 

(* whatever system generated that file probably was not aware about
SetPolyfillMode and PolyPolygon; and/or wasn't creative enough to draw outer
shape in blue and inner shape in white on top of it.)

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