--- Comment #7 from ---
I've analyzed how a selected cell is rendered in Calc, in Excel 2000 and in
Excel 2016. See the attachments with magnified fragments.

In Calc, the selection is 2 px thick, with one px "inside" the cell.

In Excel 2000, the selection border is 3 px thick. This allows to make a thin
border visible.

In Excel 2016, the selection border is 2 px thick, with one px *outside* the

I do not insist on making the border visible for selected cells. Just wanted to
draw your attentin to this fact.

IMO, the way Calc renders the selection border is not optiomal as it "eats"
space in the cell of interest. IMO Excel 2016 does it better and more sensible,
i.e. not eating any space in the cell of interest. In calc, the selected cell
appears "small".

I don't know whether this should be a separate ticket.

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