--- Comment #24 from Silvain Dupertuis <> ---
Sorry I only have the latest versions of LibreOffice
What I tested :
- Having a calc file with multiline cells
- Creating a fresh database with the option «connect to an existing database»
- Chose the calc file as this existing database.
- The sheets appear as tables, but the line-breaks are lost.

What I would expect is having linebreaks preserved in both directions when
exchanging data between calc and base.

One thing I am doing on a regular bases is updating a mysql database for a
web-based application from my local Base file. I use a Calc file, connect it
with my registered database, copy the desired tables and/or querys, then copy
the whole calc file into the mysql database. It works fine and fast, except for
line-breaks in some multiline fields...

Sorry if the terminology is not exact, I speak French and use a French
interface in my installation.

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