--- Comment #3 from Caolán McNamara <> ---
Reading the getCursor implementations I would expect that the theme is usable
for osx as well which also has the option for fancy cursors loaded from fairly
arbitrary external data, while the gen/kf5 cursors are limited to the built-in
xbm fallbacks (and win limited to equivalent built-in .cur ones).

I imagine it could be possible for at least the kf5 backend to change
MAKE_CURSOR in vcl/qt5/Qt5Data.cxx away from using the built-in xbms to loading
the theme icon instead. QCursor seems to take a QPixmap argument and QPixmap
has a loadFromData member which I imagine could be used similarly to how in the
gtk3 version the theme icon can be loaded to a GdkPixmap via load_icon_by_name
and that passed to gdk_cursor_new_from_pixbuf. So there could be a medium level
easy hack there to change kf5 to load the cursors from icon-theme and not keep
using the old-school built-in xbms. Changing gen to do anything except handle
xbms is probably futile, and I don't know what options exist under windows.

This isn't really a bug in the sense of something broken, just a consequence
that the "built-in" icons are the original/default way to implement icons but
those old apis and formats are archaic in gtk and osx so another way had to be
found there and the simplest thing to do was to load cursors from the usual
place icons come from which then has the side effect of making them themeable
(though not the hot-spot of the cursor which remains hardcoded in all cases).

FWIW it's not (currently) expected that all backends can use cursors from the
icon-theme, or even from our built-in old-school xbms/curs. Many of the cursors
are explicitly mapped to built-in cursors provided by the host operating system
or toolkit so a gtk PointerStyle::Help icon will always use the gtk3 built-in

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