--- Comment #4 from Rafael Lima <> ---
> There's indeed something weird here but I don't see "Insert as Background",
> did I miss something?
> (I tried with gen rendering).

This is indeed weird... using the Kf5 backend the problem happens using LO (from the Ubuntu PPA) and with the daily LO 7.3 alpha build.

However, setting SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gen has the following results:
1) Using the PPA version and the 7.3 alpha daily build (deb), I get only
Insert, Preview and Copy.
2) If I build LO from source, I get Insert, Preview, Title, Delete, Copy and
Paste (no "Insert as Background").

If I run the same build I made from the source code, but using kf5, I get the
"Insert as Background" option.

What may be causing this?

> (nitpick: you haven't attached a screencast but an odg file with a fixed
> image)

True... I fixed it to avoid confusion.

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