--- Comment #19 from John <> ---
It is assumed LibreOffice is installed on drive C, the LibreOffice user profile
is also on drive C, and you also have drive D. And you have a custom template
in your LibreOffice user profile; this template is used for all of your

In my LibreOffice, this works in the following way currently:

If Save URLs relative to file system = True

**Test 1, step 1:** If you create a document, save on drive C, then change the
template, and then open that document again, you **will be** prompted to update
its styles. This is fine.

**Test 1, step 2:** Then, if you move this file to drive D and open it from
there, you **won't** be prompted to update styles. I think this is a bug/issue.

**Test 2, step 1:** If you create a document, save it on **drive D**, then
change the template, and then open that document again, you **will be**
prompted to update its styles. This is fine.

**Test 2, step 2:** Then, if you move this file to **drive C** and open it from
there, you **will be** be prompted to update styles. This is fine.

So, if "Save URLs relative to file system" is "True", LibreOffice forgot to ask
user to update styles only on the 2nd step of the 1st test.

If Save URLs relative to file system = False

TODO. I'm too tired now.

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