--- Comment #5 from Ron <> ---
I would like to make a comment about this Bug I have reported. This is a
SERIOUS problem. Why? Because I designed a complete application for my local 8
ball league in Calc about 3-4 years ago, it worked fine. And this year when the
League started up again there was a number of changes due to the League being
shutdown for 2 years for COVID. 

This resulted in me having to adjust and RECREATE some of the macros and that's
when I discovered the BUG. Luckily I didn't re-record all the MACROS. If I had
this would have resulted in NOT being able to track stats, etc. for the League.
It is too big a job to sort figures by hand with over a 100 players. And of
course you guys being bogged down with so many reported bugs, that the response
time is far too long for this type of issue. 

I would like this to be reported to the people WHO NEED TO KNOW. Thank you and
I do appreciate the work you guys do.  Ron G
PS I downloaded version and the problem still exists.

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