--- Comment #13 from sophie <> ---
(In reply to jsv from comment #11)
> > I've never met a user confused by those strings too. I don't see any 
> > benefit of renaming them.
> These strings are simply wrong, and this is, in fact, plain obvious.
> It seems these names are "inherited" from MS Word, but this doesn't make
> them correct. 

they were already there in StarOffice, we usually don't care what proprietary
software are doing. 

>Neither InDesign nor Affinity Publisher follow this naming.
> See the InDesign UI screenshot which I have just added.

These are specific tools dedicated to design or PAO, not an office suite. I
still don't see why we should ask l10n, documentation teams and our users to
change when they don't see a need to, that will only confuse them.

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