--- Comment #10 from John <> ---
To both @Mike and @Telesto

I just found a reliable way to reproduce the "3rd line stay bold" issue.

There are no tralining spaces or Shift+Enter keypresses, but you need to be
careful and patient.

Actually, it happens quite often and there are probably many other ways to
reproduce it.

0. restart Writer in safe mode

1. type the text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

2. type a space character in the very end of the 3rd line, put the cursor
before the space, then press Shift+Home and Ctrl+B, and then remove the space
(by pressing End and then Backspace).

3. select the whole text and apply some paragraph style (e.g., Ctrl+0 to apply
Text Body)

you will see that the 3rd line is now regular, not bold.

# But now the second part.

Repeat steps 2 and 3. You will see that the 3rd line is now preserved bold.

But this not REALLY true. At least for me on Windows.

This is just wrong rendering. Scroll the page past the text and then back and
you will see that the 3rd line is now regular.

What is strange, though, is that if you place the cursor on the very end of the
3rd line, you will see like you have a space before it. (See the image.)

But this space is not real. If you press the Backspace key, it will remove both
the virtual space and the letter m.

What the heck. OK, type the missing "m".

# The third part.

Repeat steps 2 and 3. You will see that the 3rd line is now preserved bold. And
it stay bold no matter what you do. This is not just rendering. It is really

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