--- Comment #18 from steve <> ---
Talked to Heiko and this is the summary:

macOS uses
- Accent colour (defaults to blue)
- Highlight colour (defaults to light blue)

This makes sense as highlight color is used when highlighting e.g. text. In the
end this (again) is about good contrast. Marking black text with blue results
in less contrast than marking black text with light blue.

LO currently uses macOS 10.13 as target. macOS 10.13 has no understanding of
accent color. So when build target will be raised to macOS 10.14 it will be
possible to utilize Accent color.

What would solve the problem this bug is about (not enough contrast in cell
selection color) would be if LibreOffice used Accent Colour as cell selection
color. Currently it uses Highlight colour resulting in the bad contrast
especially in light (default) color scheme.

So the plan is to wait for raising the build target to macOS 10.14 (July 2022),
revisit then and ideally this problem will be solved after cell selection color
is changed to use Accent color.

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