--- Comment #5 from Telesto <> ---
Created attachment 179464
Example file

A) Maybe start with something simple (without the clipboard stuff). This file
contains an image which links to a file (webfile) instead of local disk. 

In Calc you get this file uses external data, do you want to update..

Here it's simply download images from the web. The image here is high res (5
mb)(so throttle the bandwidth to 7 mbit) and you start noticing lags..

Aside that you can as use not tell what the document contains.. If those links
are safe to download...

b) Another dimension of the topic is that image is treated as if it's stored
locally. It isn't buffered after a successful download.
So if you change context is simply starts doing the whole download starts again
(Say Opening Image dialog closing dialog & scrolling).
It's really assuming the image is locally stored (or on fast network drive)

c) And well here the image won't show in document. It keeps failing.. but well
might be because of the stuff mention under b

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