--- Comment #6 from Eyal Rozenberg <> ---
So, I'll chime in, having noticed this on the design meeting agenda.

Generally, the Position&Size tab is a mess!

* Anchoring seems to conflict with position
* Position seems more like alignment
* The interaction of position protection semantics with alignment and anchoring
are anybody's guess.
* What does protecting the size even mean, if there's no other control which
affects the size?

Specifically to this issue, the suggested renaming doesn't help, because the
combined text + textbox values don't result in a reasonable sentence or phrase.

"Position: Horizontal: Left by 0.00 inch to Left page border"


Now, says: 

> It should be clear from the demonstration that this option [{Left, Right} to 
> page border] controls the region between {Left, Right} page edge and page 
> text area.

Why? 1. That's not clear from the demonstration and 2. I don't even think
that's true. How does it have anything to dox with the text area?


What could be done IMHO to improve things some, is a deeper change.

First, we need willing to alter or remove some of the labels and textboxes when
drop-down box selections change. I know Heiko won't like this, and I can
sympathize, but better to have UI that is a little less static-and-stable, then
for it to be confusing and sound like gibberish. In Hebrew there's a proverb:
"If you have caught multiple things - you have caught nothing" (תפסת מרובה - לא

Now, two options.

Option 1: Enable constructing the following phrases for Horizontal:

Align [F1] to [F2] with offset [F3]

F1: Left, Right, Center (and perhaps also Start and End, where these will be
interpreted according to the direction of the anchored-to entity.

F2: par. area, par. text area, left page border, right page border, page start
border, page end border, page inner border (when we have book margins), page
outer border (when we have book margins), page text area, entire page .

F3: text box accepting both negative and positive values.

In this option, there is an implicit interpretation of which side is positive
and which is negative.

Option 2: Similar to option 1, but add another field controlling the direction
of offset

Align [F1] to [F2] with offset [F3] [F4]

F1: as above
F2: as above
F3: non-negative value
F4: to left, to right, towards start, towards end, inwards (when we have inner
margins), outwards (when we have inner margins)

the same thing goes for vertical, with the following differences:

1. Top and Bottom instead of Left and Right.
2. Start is always Top and End is always Bottom, so no need for Start and End
(I think).
3. I don't remember if we support vertical book margins. If we don't, then
there's never any need for inwards and outwards.

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