--- Comment #11 from Telesto <> ---
Created attachment 180813
Example file

Sorry that I keep going .. 
1. Open the attached file
2. Select the highlighted text
3. Move the text up. Yellow and orange shape not moving (yes, I know: anchored
at beginning and end of a singe paragraph)
5. Place arrow before 'ghi'
6. Press Shift Arrow Down (2 paragraph selected). Drag and drop the text below
heading 1 -> all images follow
8. Double click 'Blue'
9. Drag & drop below heading 1.. image not following (image anchored 'before'
10. CTRL+Z
11. Place cursor after 'yellow' and select blue with the space before
12. Drag up below heading 1. -> Only "blue' text moves image stays

I do not really understand why multi-line paragraph will include images.. but
single paragraph not..

And why an anchor at the left of word isn't included  with the selection
(especially if the space is also included)

There is obviously the possibility that I'm mistaking about what to character
anchoring is and how it should be used. Aka I might have different expectations
compared to the design (how I think it should working < - > How it's actually
working). And there obviously also a difference between 'ideal situation' and
the part which is technically possible. And yes, sure, there likely always
which don't fit any model. (So being off)

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