--- Comment #10 from Paul Hodgson <> ---
Tried to retest in, as requested, using the "Example spreadsheet" I
posted initially.
1. After highlighting a column "Format cells..." is not available! (No
"Ctrl-1", No "Format\Cells") so I could not even protect a column, so continued
test by just selecting D1:D3 and protecting those, then selecting G1:G3 and
protecting those. I toggled sheet protected off then on again.
2. In the spreadsheet when I try to enter data in C2 or G3, for example, it
says the cells are protected, but in Data\Form the fields labelled "Teacher Y1"
and "Teacher Yr2" are unprotected in the form, although:
2.1 If I change, for example, "Teacher Yr 1", overtyping "Adam" with "Daphne",
the form shows "Daphne" until I change records away and then change records
back (e.g. pressing "Next Record" then pressing "Previous Record", when "Alex"
is redisplayed).
2.2 If I change "Class Yr1", say from "1A" to "1B", the formula that is
dependent on this change is not invoked (i.e. "Teacher Yr1" does not change
from "Adam") and when I return to the sheet I find that, not only does it still
display "Adam", but the formula that was in D2 has been replaced with the fixed
text "Adam".

I do not believe that the bug is fixed.  

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