--- Comment #2 from ajlittoz <> ---
Update to

> But authors expect the final separator to be suppressed, be it 
> multi-character or different from full stop.

Thinking about it, suppression is more complicated. List number may be
decorated with both Before and After separators. Both should be suppressed.
This requires querying the level in the list style definition or retrieving the
multi-level counter without adding the "side" separators.

== Example for single-level list:

[1] Step one
[2] Step two

In step 2 above, …

== end of example

== Example for multi-level list:

[1] Step one
<1.1> First sub-step in first step

In action 1.1 above, …

== end of example

*** The following remark is not part of the present feature request. ***

List style allows to define many decorators (before and after separators at
each level) but the "internal" separator is hard-coded at full stop. It can't
be replaced by a dash for example. Is there a "typographical" reason for it? It
don't see an exclusive agreement in books. Other conventions exist.

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