--- Comment #2 from SheetJS <> ---
Duration formats are currently broken (see

The assertion "LibreOffice does not round wall clock time formats" is incorrect
and an example was included in the "additional info" section:

Rounding does work with sub-second units. Testing with the value 0.002415:

| format | LO     | Excel  |
| ss     | 28     | 29     |
| ss.0   | 28.7   | 28.7   |
| ss.00  | 28.66  | 28.66  |
| ss.000 | 28.656 | 28.656 |

To be more explicit, if LO were internally consistent, for the value 0.002415
you would expect the following (written in the reverse order for clarity):

"ss.000" -> "28.656"
"ss.00"  -> "28.65"
"ss.0"   -> "28.6"
"ss"     -> "28"

However, LO generates the following:

"ss.000" -> "28.656"
"ss.00"  -> "28.66"  /* rounding :( */
"ss.0"   -> "28.7"   /* rounding :( */
"ss"     -> "28"     /* not rounding */

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