--- Comment #14 from ---
I am authoring OOO Development Tools

I had hopes that any package package could be installed into LO. This
is not the case. I have found it to be hit and miss to which packages will
work. Also different on Windows and Linux. Any package that had dependencies
not include in embedded python simply fail.

For instance: There are some wonderful GUI packages for python that simply
cannot be installed in LO embedded python due to embedded limitations.

I wrote a tool just to help developers ( myself included ) who are writing
python scripts for LO. (
Sadly this tool can't be installed in an environment set up for LO in Windows
due to no sqlite3 support (limitation of embedded python)

In my documentation I have to show user how to hack virtual environment on
Windows and Linux, with Windows being more of an ugly hack, to get environment
set up to develop more complex scripts

I have been considering writing some sort of custom installer to allow a macro
to install its own dependencies. I have let this idea float around in my head
for several months as I work on other parts. I am leaning towards not
developing this sort of installer due the the complexities of embedded python
and differences between Window and Linux implementation of python.

Personally I see python as the way forward for LO scripting, in part because of
the vast number of supporting libraries that have the potential to be installed
if LO shipped with a full version of python.

In short I am advocating LO ship with full python.

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