--- Comment #14 from Eyal Rozenberg <> ---
(In reply to V Stuart Foote from comment #11)

> There are already some fabulous programs for doing font
> selection based on its Unicode coverage.  Point being 
> these font management features do not belong in an office
> product bcz they are handled better either by os/DE
> provided apps--eg fontconfig and the fc- utilities or the
> ancient xfd or xfontsel, or by any number of GUI based
> character map utilities including the GNOME Character Map.

You seem to be suggesting LO remove its font selection dialog, or the font
selection pane of the font dialog, entirely...

Font selection belongs in (almost) any application in which the user needs to
select fonts. And while complex font exploration may perhaps be better suited
for a different app, it is not a complex or esoteric task to want to choose a
font which can be used for the language you want to write in; and my office
productivity app must help me avoid choosing fonts (or font families) which
don't cover the language I'm making the choice for.

> It has *ALL* the features that Eyal is asking for,

I asked for just one thing. And I'm not even the one who asks for it; I would
argue every user asks for it: Not misdirected into choosing an invalid font for
the language I'm writing in.

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