--- Comment #5 from Loren Amelang <> ---
Eike, I just checked my Arch Linux installation of, and it matches your
"M/D/Y;M/D", which is obviously correct for US English. 

So how did my Windows installation get to include "M.D"? Maybe at some point
since 2015 when I first installed Libre on this version of Windows, the "M.D"
was included in the default, maybe accidentally, and it stuck? 

Maybe some system crash imported the "M.D" from another language default? Is
there a language with a default of "M/D/Y;M/D;M.D" ?

Could opening and saving a file in Excel or Collabora Office on iOS somehow
propagate the different default into Libre? 

I didn't even know the setting existed - can't believe I intentionally changed

Glad to hear the problem is not affecting other people.

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