--- Comment #8 from Armin Le Grand <> ---
Taking a look...
Indeed happens as described using

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Create a blank Calc sheet and select a cell
2.Add all borders
3.Rotate text 180 degrees

(had to search to find how to do three :-))
It behaves differently when zooming in/out in EditView
-> It clearly has to do with borders, switching them off for that cell removes
the problem
-> It also has to do with 180deg text, selecting cells around one with that
text works, with and without text
-> Even without text, but 'Text orientation' set to 180 shows the error

AFAIR that 'Text orientation' not only rotates the text, but also the borders
(looks strange from my POV). That may lead to numerical problems in the border
handling/decomposition (?)

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