--- Comment #6 from MarkOpen <> ---
(In reply to Stéphane Guillou (stragu) from comment #5)
> Thank you Mark and Eike!
> Regarding point 1):
> My opinion is that a localisation that uses the letter "c" for the argument
> is a better strategy than changing the localised function name (less
> disruptive to users who are used to the current name, and makes it more
> consistent with English). I copied Piotr in for a more qualified opinion.
> Regarding points 2) and 3):
> I understand better now. The English help page is correct in its use of
> arguments names, for both functions (despite some inconsistency, see Bug
> 152292):
> The Polish-language translation is confusing, as it talks about the K-th
> ("K-tą") largest/smallest value instead of using the proper argument name
> "rząd_K":
> This specific translation issue can be corrected in Weblate: 
> -
> textscalc01/pl/?checksum=e4e1e7f63b3df58c&q=K-t%C4%85&sort_by=-
> priority%2Cposition
> -
> textscalc01/pl/?checksum=9c9720e908f3f204&q=K-t%C4%85&sort_by=-
> priority%2Cposition
> Note that the German translation also uses "K" in the function name and,
> misleadingly, in the description (the argument name doesn't use "K").
> For reference, the function description from MS Office:
> bb8b-01672ec00a64
> If you think the *original* (English) description needs changing, better
> open a new Bugzilla ticket here to fix that (and the translations will
> follow from there).
> In any case, I have filed Bug 152292 to *first* make the English version
> consistent (which will avoid some unnecessary translations).

Thanks Stéphane Guillou 

Ad.1. Eike Rathke spoke about changing the name of the function. 
In the Polish translation, arguments are marked with capital letters, e.g. "K".
The suggestion of a lowercase "c" is against the accepted principle. My
proposal does not interfere with the basic nomenclature adopted by Polish IT
specialists. The uniformity of the Polish translation is more important than
the consistency of individual letters with the English version. 
I agree that it would be enough to change the "K" argument to something like
"P" (Pozycja-Position), "R" (Rząd-Row), "S" (Stopień-Stage) or "M"
If my arguments are convincing, I consider the author of the Polish translation
in "Help" to be the most competent to introduce corrections. 
Thank you!

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