--- Comment #9 from Regina Henschel <> ---
The element <c:externalData> has the attribute r:id="rId1". The chart1.xml.rels
file in the _rels folder connects this resource reference to
Target="../embeddings/Microsoft_Excel_Worksheet1.xlsx". The 'embeddings' folder
exists, but the Microsoft_Excel_Worksheet1.xlsx file is an empty file.

Is "" the online version of Microsoft Office? It might be that the
online version simple drops a not usable reference. But Microsoft Office 365
can still not open the file and neither can it 'repair' the file.

If I save the file to odt, then I get in the <style:chart-properties> element
an attribute
loext:external-data="word/embeddings/Microsoft_Excel_Worksheet1.xlsx". That
makes no sense there, because a 'word' folder does not exists in the package.
The chart itself is based on the internal table. Generating the docx file from
this odt file still produces the error, that Microsoft Office 365 cannot open

Only when I go the way over ODF 1.3 strict so that the attribute
loext:external-data is not written, the generated docx file will open in Word.

LibreOffice should detect, that the link goes to inside the package and that
the xlsx file does not exist in the package, and then do not write a
<c:externalData> element.

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