--- Comment #1 from BrendaEM <> ---
I am sorry for my lack of diplomacy and sugar-coating and diplomacy, but after
installation, those icons are the very first thing the user sees. Many people
will be baffled by them.

The corner thing is strange. Is it a folded corner, or detached? It uses so
much area.

The area of the icon that conveys information is needlessly small, about 1/4 of
the total area. Regardless of logo/legend design itself there just isn't enough
room and resolution to show it. They cropped the top for the folded corner.
They cropped the bottom for the shading effect, which enters too far into the
icon. I don't know why there is so much side margin.

The text in the Writer icon doesn't look like text.

Make the Calc icon look like a spreadsheet. Yes, indeed, a white background,
with a black grid looks boring, but that's exactly what a spreadsheet looks

The Draw's icon shading becomes too light to see white against it.

Noting that, the Math legend/logo has a good start, but fill the symbols. No
outlines. People see objects by the edges of filled objects. If you don't
believe me, drop a dozen coat-hangars on the floor, and try picking them up by
lifting the top one, without snagging any others.

For LibreOffice safe mode, perhaps you could put a red cross, or a bandage over
it, to differentiate it from the standard one?

Want inspiration: I hate Microsoft, but the Windows 11 Calculator icon looks
modern and great.

The Linux Mint Cinnamon Shut-Down and Lock-Screen icon are big, bold, not
hollow. Good.

FreeFile Sync has a recognizable icon.

The OSX, Calender icon looks pretty much like an old Calendar. The trash-can
icon looks like a trashcan.

Demotivational: I love Audacity, but it takes a while to see the dark blue
headphones on a black background. Inscape's black brush, is nearly invisible
against a black background. It must be an in-joke why VLC's icon is a traffic
cone. Paraview appears to have copied Tandy's Color Computer 3 nameplate.
X-Rite put a whole paragraph of text on an icon, for some unknown reason.
Adobe's icons are trash because instead of showing pixels of a bitmap, or a
non-linear segment or a movie, they start to spell the name of the program.
Does the Windows 11 Notepad icon, looks like any notepad you've seen?

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