--- Comment #11 from ady <> ---
(In reply to V Stuart Foote from comment #10)
> As to some edit engine cyclic application of the <Ctrl>+A selection--seems
> overly complex, and you'd never be sure what you'd selected (you can't see
> the last cell selected).

FWIW, having "steps" for <Ctrl>+A is what Excel already does (see bug 131916
comment 14 regarding [CTRL]+[A]). Such behavior does not contradict whichever
other decision about which action is applied to which ranges. In fact, by
imitating Excel in this regard the "mistake" of users applying some attribute
to the entire worksheet is reduced, while letting users _know_ that they are
applying it just to the selected area. IOW, it brings mostly pros, especially
in comparison to the current behavior.

Regarding not seeing the last cell, I don't understand why that is relevant in
any case. At any rate, users get "surprised" by the result. In some cases, it
is a welcome result, whereas in others, it might be an eventual "why is this
cell not formatted as I expected?".

I understand the performance issue. I happen to disagree that _forcing_
unexpected results on users is the best that can be done. When users complain
about unexpected results, they receive some explanation, or at least a hint,
and NAB. I think that allowing "steps" in <Ctrl>+A behavior would reduce the
amount of "surprises". If then a user complains about performance when
selecting the entire worksheet (which would replace the other complains), the
response would also be about a UX decision, with a relevant comment about
workarounds ("modify the default cell style").

I am not a developer. My comments come from a user's POV only. It seems strange
to _silently force_ users (against the behavior they are used to and expect,
from prior experience), when there might be alternatives, especially when the
product is named _libre_ :p).

IDK whether having an option to "allow" applying attributes to an entire
worksheet is an adequate solution. I do know that having "steps" for <Ctrl>+A
should be welcome (because, in comparison to the current status, it brings more
freedom and efficiency). Whichever the case, until users are _somehow_
"allowed" to see their actions applied to the selected range of cells (with
whichever pros and cons, as with anything), these types of bug reports will
keep showing up, simply because the behavior is unexpected by users,
independently of whichever logical and justified reasoning developers could

Let me put it this way. Current answer: "You cannot do that, even when you
expected that result". Alternative answer: "You pressed <Ctrl>+A three times in
order to select the entire worksheet and the reaction from Calc is not
absolutely immediate? Well, you have the choice to select only the relevant
areas of your worksheet, and work faster; or you could change the default cell
style; but if you anyway decide to select the entire worksheet with 10^6
columns (or whatever), please be patient".

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