--- Comment #1 from ---
I believe that what is happening in the attachment is:

there are no headings with outline level (2-5) between the position of Table 1
and the top of the document, so it only uses the first heading that is
encountered, which in the attachment is level 1.

If the outline level of the first heading is changed to a value between 2 and
5, then this is the heading number that will appear in the (updated index).

Or if a heading with outline level between 2 and 5 is inserted between the
first (outline level 1) heading and the level 6 heading (before the table),
then this heading number will be used.

In short, the rule between used by "Evaluate up to level" option is show the
contents of the first immediately preceding paragraph that has an outline level
less than or equal to (≤) the number entered in the "evaluate...level" spinbox.

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