--- Comment #45 from Alex Thurgood <> ---
(In reply to Buovjaga from comment #43)

> It is not impossible. Users do it with the click of a button and the report
> is sent to:
> Then, many crashes are actually fixed just by analysing the crash backtraces.

Actually, this is unfortunately not true on macOS. The crashreporter tool is
not built into the LO release for macOS, or else it is deactivated.

This means that when LO crashes suddenly, on macOS the user is reliant on the
Apple crash log manager producing a crash trace. Unfortunately, this crash
trace isn't systematically produced or else retrievable.

If it does produce a crash trace, sending that trace to Apple is of no
practical use to the bugzilla tracking, as these reports are not forwarded to
bugzilla (I'm not even sure that Apple passes them on to the LibreOffice
release maintainer).

When people encounter a sudden crash on macOS withLO, if the Apple Crash
Reporter doesn't display a dialog with a trace, they should look into their
system logs. Often, but not always, the crash log for the LO process can be
found there. It does also seem to depend on the version of macOS you are
running, as to what actually gets recorded, and this is down to Apple tweaking
the log system with each release.

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