--- Comment #16 from João Gomes <> ---
(In reply to João Gomes from comment #15)
> (In reply to Tor Lillqvist from comment #14)
> > I can see the behaviour described in Comment #6, but not in the initial
> > comment.
> Both behaviours are likely related (LibreOffice is apparently aggressive
> about its tooltips, and they are part of the window they're associated
> with), but I can see both happening.
> Honestly, the best course of action at this moment would be to just add a
> check to whether a window is active or not and just disable tooltips on
> those altogether. How likely are you to need them in inactive windows, at
> this point? Also, can they be disabled? Yes, they can be useful, but
> honestly, I'd just rather deal with the hassle of turning them on and off
> again if I need them (a toolbar button would be great for that, I'll check
> whether that's an option, too) than bumping into this annoying bug all the
> time.
> I have a thesis to write, and that includes having quite a few windows open
> and intermixed with LOo Writer across two displays, so as you may guess, it
> rears its ugly head very often.
> And I'm following this thread, which means that if and when this bug is
> fixed and the thread itself is closed I will get a notification, am I right?
> By then, I can turn tooltips back on permanently again.

It seems there isn't an exposed regular setting (and, sadly, a toolbar item for
that), but for anyone wondering how to do it in, this forum post shows you how
to do it on Expert Configuration:

Success! Bug averted indefinitely. But please do fix this, as we should not be
expected to gimp LOo in order to be able to use it or to consider any of this
normal. It makes the app feel glitchy and unpolished, because that's precisely
what it is, sorry.

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