--- Comment #13 from Duncan Lithgow <> ---
I will restate the problem

In Calc a chart can be made and will use the default colors under tools >
options > charts > default colors. OK.

If I go and change those default colors there are a few things going wrong. 
* The changes are not saved. In fact if i press apply they are wiped and the
defaults are shown again. However if I click OK (without having cliked apply)
then the colors I have selected will be applied to the next chart.
* If I reopen the dialog it still shows the wrong colors, but will use the
colors I previously selected. 
* However if I open the chart properties and select/deselect 'title' or
'subtitle' the colors revert to the original defaults (which by the way are so
ugly my eyes hurt). The previous attached image should illustrate the problem.
* If i close and reopen the file the nice colors (those pale ones) have gone
and the same chart is shown again with the LO default chart colors.

I can make a sample file, but it won't prove anything since the attempt to
customize the colors doesn't get saved with the file.

I noticed this first LO 7.5 but it is happening with 7.4 as well.

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