--- Comment #6 from NOYB <> ---
Oh but I do understand it.  I never said floating point was exact.  I said
"rounding a number to nth digit is exact."  And it is.  The rules are very

Excel, even from a decade ago (MSO2K13P), correctly rounds all 466 cases you
posted (and the example I posted as well).
This is not a matter of floating point not being exact.  Rather the method
being employed to do the rounding to nth digit is flawed.  Anything other than
the exact result according to the rounding rules is a flaw.  Within the
precision limits of the underlying system e.g. 19 digits etc.  All of the cases
posted thus far are well within that.

I agree... Knowing that LibreOffice Calc doesn't round correctly is crucial.
Businesses and professionals don't want to lose credibility and be the laughing
stock of their peers.

Claiming what it must do is not useless.  It is communicating expectation. 
Expecting a calculator to round correctly is very reasonable.  Fundamental

Been using LibreOffice Calc for a little while now and like it.  Hope that bugs
like this will not get dismissive treatment and ignored instead of being fixed.

I think this is a major flaw.  More significate relative to product market than
the FDIV flaw in '94.

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