--- Comment #21 from Stéphane Guillou (stragu) 
<> ---
Just a thought: I'm not sure what proportion of new users go through the Start
Center first as opposed to directly to the components, but one option could be
to have a button in the Start Center (not a popup) that gives the user _the
choice_ to discover some often-needed or asked-about personnalisation options,
in a guided way. It could be called "Make LibreOffice your own" or something of
the sort, highlighting one strength of LO: customisability.

One issue is that the UI can be set per-component, so it does make sense to
lead to it when one component is open... Or maybe the dialog should also be
made available form the Start Center, with the only option to change the UI for
all components.

Alternatively, a probably easier option would be to reorganise and add to the
Start Centre.
We already have a direct link to Extensions and Help right there.
We could reorganise the Start Center left column in four sections, focusing on
things people might want to see when they get started (5 new elements in

1. Open
- Open File
- Remote Files
- Recent Documents
- Templates
2. Create
- Writer
- Calc
- Impress
- Draw
- Math
- Base
3. Learn
- Help
- *Guides*
- *What's new*
- *Ask*
4. Customise
- *UI*
- *View mode* (could be a three-option switch: Dark - System - Light)
- Extensions

Of course, I'm not set on those 5, and don't want to make it unnecessarily

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