--- Comment #7 from Regina Henschel <> ---
A connector is the element <draw:connector> in markup. It has the special
attributes draw:start-shape, draw:start-glue-point, draw:end-shape and
draw:end-glue-point. These attributes determine a relation ship to other
shapes. These attributes are specific for the <draw:connector> element and not
available for other kind of shapes.

Handles in custom shape callouts or the tail tip of the classical callout are
defined relative to the shapes rectangle, which has the text. There exists no
attribute to describe a relationship to another shape.

Therefore it is principle impossible to glue a handle or a tail tip to a glue

Changing the current behavior would require changing the ODF standard. I would
vote against doing it for custom shape callouts, because custom shapes are
designed to be compatible with shapes of MS Office. I could imagine adding such
feature to the classical callouts. But who will implement it?

Moving a callout together with the object, to which it points, could be solved
by grouping them. But there is still the problem of using glue points of
objects, which are inside a group (bug 76277, bug 106621).

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