--- Comment #20 from Attila Szűcs <> ---
About following MS... i only made visible the spaces after line end (over
margin), and made the cursor visible there too.

Those spaces was already there, and the user was able to navigate there, but it
was confusing why the cursor seems not to move sometimes.. like in tdf#120715
where the cursor moved between spaces.. peoples still tohught it stucked.

And i was very careful with layout... if we start to interpret the spaces over
the end of line differently... like droppoing them to new line... many old
document may change.. some 1 page long forms may become 2 page long.. we can
make a compat flag to have 2 different behaviour.. but then it may become too
confusing, when spaces goes to new line, and when not...
If we trucate the spaces we probably break already made documents... (dont
forget.. users may used this unintentionally.. if he made his doc looks good
with this 'error' if we fix it, he will only see that we broke his doc... )
If we "offer a compatibility option to retain them, but *not* display them"
then  we resurrect the original bug reports, as we wont be able to see it.

If we think so complex resolutions then it still easyer to make an option, to
display spaces/cursor this way, or the previous way... because the document,
and the layout would be the same.. only the visibility of cursor, and extra
spaces would be changed

Sorry about the confusion with the cursor movement... i was mistakenly believed
that wont be a big problem, and if a user put more spaces after end of line,
then in most case it is a mistake... 
But i did not checked tables.. and it can be easyly annoying.. 

I dont want to advertise MS office.. but i think they made this thing very
well... the only difference i see with actual LO is that MS does not display
spaces/cursor when it is over some logical boundary... 
I mean after page end, it does not display the cursor.. (the cursor wont be
In table it diplay sapces/cursor only in the cell.. but sure you can put more
spaces, and move the cursor out from the cell.. you just wont see the extra
If there is an image over the text.. i mean the text is around the image...
then the spaces/cursor displayed only until the image... you can put more
spaces and run throught the image... but you wont see that.
And at MS the selection is displayed even over the margin.. at LO you can
select those spaces, it just dont display the selection. 

If i will have some spare time i can check if i could hide cursor in some of
these cases, but there may be a lot of special cases i didnt even thought
about... i'm not sure if i could find them easily... if anyone want, feel free
to do it.. :)

Or we may could revert the cursor movement fix, and leave only the extra space
display... you wont be able to move cursor into wrong places... but cursor
movement will be confusing.. even more as it was long before... because now you
would see the spaces, but you wont be able to click into it.. :)

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