--- Comment #6 from Michael Meeks <> ---
The H/W acceleration check-box almost certainly does nothing in this case, that
would only affect the choice of canvas: VCL or Cairo, neither of which is used
in calc IIRC [ it's all raw VCL ].

> 4. This happens with every sheet I open or create;

If this occurs with a blank sheet; then I suspect it is some annoying priority
issue whereby the repaint is of a lower priority than the keystroke; I imagine
another (arrow key) stroke comes in before we can re-render the new location -
which further defers re-rendering.

On the other hand, we would have to be doing something ~amazingly slow on
arrow-key-press in order to take any significant time; unless your typematic
rate is set to some bazillion repeats per second ;-) of course, it is entirely
possible that we do do something amazingly slow but ...

Naturally I can't reproduce the problem here; can you confirm you see this for
empty sheets ? [ if not, having some rough outline of the type of data (if you
can't attach the sheet) that you have in the current sheet would be great ].

Thanks !

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