--- Comment #6 from aquafilt <> ---
(In reply to Telesto from comment #5)
> Slightly off-topic (but related to embedded video's)
> Scrolling/resizing the the slide panel on a Windows machine is slow (CPU
> spikes + lag) and generally memory hogging. Slide-panel uses around 1,6-1,8
> GB RAM and lags when scrolling across the embedded video's 
> Everything is smooth after deleting the embedded video's. Catching is
> apparently not working for video content. So instead of catching the (first
> frame) it keeps extracting it from the video stream each time scroll across
> it (at least that would be my explanation)
> Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
> Build ID: 30ee52e6c284be1095fdf278439b4c0a7c5982f0
> CPU threads: 4; OS: Windows 6.3 Build 9600; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
> Locale: nl-NL (nl_NL); UI: en-US
> Calc: CL threaded

top - 09:21:36 up  2:16,  2 users,  load average: 0,80, 0,88, 0,95
Tasks: 196 total,   1 running, 195 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 10,4 us,  2,3 sy,  0,0 ni, 85,8 id,  1,5 wa,  0,0 hi,  0,0 si,  0,0 st
MiB Mem :   7821,6 total,    376,3 free,   2688,8 used,   4756,4 buff/cache
MiB Swap:  81920,0 total,  68393,5 free,  13526,5 used.    573,5 avail Mem 

    PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND  
   1385 adminis+  20   0   16,7g   2,8g 811044 S  20,9  37,2  20:43.93
    870 root      20   0  862908  66276  51992 S  22,9   0,8  17:28.87 Xorg     
   1400 adminis+  20   0  664952  17048   8740 S   0,0   0,2   0:00.31
    364 root      19  -1   88556  10656  10152 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.35
   7880 root      20   0   19128  10396   8036 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.08 sshd     
   1217 adminis+  20   0  466656   9252   6948 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.12
   1202 adminis+  20   0  458568   8696   6324 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.41
    909 adminis+   9 -11  904136   8528   5432 S   0,0   0,1   0:14.23
   1221 adminis+  20   0  657324   7764   4984 S   0,0   0,1   0:08.91
   7934 adminis+  20   0   19260   7636   5048 S   0,3   0,1   0:00.31 sshd     
   1181 adminis+  20   0  637224   7220   6616 S   1,7   0,1   1:18.28 xfwm4    
    910 adminis+  20   0  525064   6196   5452 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.34
   3033 root      20   0  436244   6100   2224 S   0,0   0,1   0:01.08 fwupd    
   1247 adminis+  20   0  466468   6076   4264 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.09
      1 root      20   0  166300   6028   3744 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.66 systemd  
   1269 adminis+  20   0  476364   5696   4616 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.09
    816 root      20   0  283808   5572   4624 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.98 anydesk  
   1220 adminis+  20   0  467056   5468   4208 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.08
   1216 adminis+  20   0  327748   5196   4156 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.07
   1214 adminis+  20   0  403088   5112   4364 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.46
    732 root      20   0  237236   5092   2940 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.14 polkitd  
   7935 adminis+  20   0   13928   4820   3348 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.02 bash     
    719 root      20   0  337760   4784   3508 S   0,3   0,1   0:02.10
   1215 adminis+  20   0  378180   4636   4052 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.05
   1191 adminis+  20   0  232044   4340   3792 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.10
   1211 adminis+  20   0  401104   4200   3908 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.39
   1281 adminis+  20   0  227168   4188   3700 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.22
   1461 adminis+  20   0  375988   4132   3112 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.03
<b>   8089 adminis+  20   0   16124   4132   3268 R   0,3   0,1   0:00.07 top  
   1206 adminis+  20   0  379132   4060   3944 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.05 Thunar   
   1282 adminis+  20   0  226232   4016   3612 S   0,0   0,1   0:00.02
    754 root      20   0  392856   3604   2280 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.96 udisksd  
    711 root      20   0  243128   3464   2656 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.27
    730 root      20   0   43976   3280   2200 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.06
   1444 adminis+  20   0  405604   3160   2568 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.21
   1299 adminis+  20   0  449772   3096   2852 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.13
   1297 colord    20   0  248368   3044   2140 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.10 colord   
    735 root      20   0   48224   2964   2424 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.07
   1489 root      20   0  173380   2952   2412 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.06
    827 root      20   0  306740   2924   2316 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.01 lightdm  
    806 root      20   0   76028   2692   2248 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.03 cupsd    
   2678 adminis+  20   0  156964   2436   2040 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.00
    658 systemd+  20   0   25660   2424   1868 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.19
    718 message+  20   0    9888   2408   1196 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.27
   1347 adminis+  20   0  318924   2400   1616 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.04
    839 root      20   0   15420   2396   2204 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.00 sshd     
   1283 adminis+  20   0  848900   2352   2352 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.03 xiccd    
   1448 adminis+  20   0  466056   2348   1972 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.18
    824 root      20   0  244224   2328   1880 S   0,0   0,0   0:00.04
    928 adminis+  20   0    8908   2284   1552 S   0,0   0,0   0:02.60

I attached the output of the top command while LibreOffice 7.5 was running
through slides.
The only video player app on the pc is the mpv with these details:

mpv 0.34.1 Copyright © 2000-2021 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects
 built on UNKNOWN
FFmpeg library versions:
   libavutil       56.70.100
   libavcodec      58.134.100
   libavformat     58.76.100
   libswscale      5.9.100
   libavfilter     7.110.100
   libswresample   3.9.100
FFmpeg version: 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1

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