--- Comment #13 from Elmar <> ---
I typically download dev on a Tuesday, these were the dates I did, I prefix the
zips with upload date:
230607; 230613; 230627; 230703; 230721; 230725 
I delete older ones when when issues I have reported have been resolved.

I also upgrade Linux Mint Cinnamon (LMC) 21.1 to 21.2 on 230718, but reversed
that on 24th because of other issues. The download on 21st was thus whilst I
was on LMC21.2; and I was working with a colleague who is using Win and that I
picked up the problem when she could not open my XLSX.

Then tried out the LO7.3 and found that it did the same.

The LO6.4 example came from a LMC20.1 VM that I created because of having some
problems with older versions of some apps.

Not sure if this detail helps.

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