--- Comment #20 from eric li <> ---
below is the libosetting.gradle,,you see the directory is wrong:
// created by Makefile.shared - your changes will be overridden
ext {
    liboSrcRoot         = '/home/shanreal/libreoffice/core-master'
    liboJniLibsdir      =
    liboWorkdir         = '/home/shanreal/libreoffice/core-master/workdir'
    liboInstdir         = '/home/shanreal/libreoffice/core-master/instdir'
    liboEtcFolder       = 'program'
    liboUreMiscFolder   = 'program'
    liboSharedResFolder = 'program/resource'
    liboUREJavaFolder   = 'program/classes'
    liboShareJavaFolder = 'program/classes'
    liboExampleDocument =
    liboVersionMajor    = '24'
    liboVersionMinor    = '2'
    liboGitFullCommit   = ''
android {
    ndkPath '/home/shanreal/Android/Sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653'
android.defaultConfig {
    applicationId 'org.example.libreoffice'
    archivesBaseName = 'LibreOfficeViewer'
    minSdkVersion = 19
    versionCode project.hasProperty('cmdVersionCode') ?
cmdVersionCode.toInteger() : 1
    versionName ''

I modified the liboJniLibsdir      =

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