--- Comment #11 from ---
I would like to expand. These features are missing in impress layouts:

Request: Add Layout Editor (save changes to custom layout).
E.g. I wish to change the *style* of *all* title boxes in my presentation. I
currently have to do it manually on every page...

Proposition: Add a *Layout Editor* to Impress. Here, we can edit layouts and
duplicate them. The custom layouts can be applied via "View > Slide Layout".

Request: Add Automatic text transfers
Another related issue: When I change the layout, Impress does not copy the
contents from the old boxes to the new ones. It would be great, if there would
be a pop-up window where each text box from the old and the layout had an ID.
In the window you could then assign the text boxes to each other, e.g. Old_1 ->
New_3, Old_2 -> New_1, empty -> New_2. You would see a live preview of the new
layout while assigning the transfers.

These changes would finally allow for seamless switching of custom layouts for
an arbitrary selection of slides!

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