--- Comment #9 from Adam CloudOn <> ---
I have investigated what happens here, and this is what I *think* happens:

The DOCX file I have attached has a tag called :

<w:rFonts w:asciiTheme="majorBidi" w:hAnsiTheme="majorBidi"

this tag means 'run fonts', and what I understand from investigation is that it
determines the default font used for the run (in case no specific font is set).

There are 2 ways of doing so:
setting the 'ascii', 'hAnsi', 'cs' and 'ea' attributes 
setting the 'asciiTheme', 'hAnsiTheme', 'cstheme' and 'eaTheme' attributes.

for example:
- if you set 'w:ascci="Tahoma"' than this means that any ascii text in the run
that has no font set to it will be rendered in Tahoma.
- if you set 'w:cs="Tahoma"' than this means that any complex-script text (e.g.
Hebrew or Arabic) in the run that has no font set to it will be rendered in

On the other hand, you have 'asciiTheme' and 'cstheme' and so on, and this is
where it gets tricky.
'w:csTheme=majorBidi' means that Word will go to the 'settings.xml' file - look
for the 'w:themeFontLang' tag, and look for the 'bidi' attribute.
In the attached file this is the tag:
     <w:themeFontLang w:val="en-US" w:eastAsia="zh-CN" w:bidi="he-IL"/>

Word will then go to the 'theme1.xml' file and look for the 'majorFont' tag.
After finding it - it will look for the 'Hebr' tag (because bidi was 'he-IL'
which is Hebrew). There is will see that the typeface for 'majorFont' in the
language 'Hebrew' is "Times New Roman", and this means that for every
complex-script text in the run - it will be rendered in Times New Roman.

The same goes for 'asciiTheme', with one difference - all the text in the run
that is simple ascii - will be rendered in 'Times New Roman'.

How can you verify this ?

If you go to the 'theme1.xml' file and change the typeface for 'majorFont' &
'Hebr' to 'Tahoma' you will see Word shows the font of the text in 'Tahoma'.

My conclusion after this (long) comment is that there is probably a problem in
the mechanism that imports the theme & settings information from the DOCX.

In addition - it seems that LO sets these attributes to "" (empty string) when
it saves back to DOCX, which Word probably doesn't like...

I hope this helps.

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